Beloved comedian and actress Caroline Rhea, best known for her role as Aunt Hilda on the hit show Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, brings her sharp wit and infectious humor back to Vinegar Hill. A cherished summer resident of Maine, Caroline has built a career spanning decades, earning acclaim for her unique blend of warmth, sass, and laugh-out-loud comedy.
Currently headlining clubs and theaters across the U.S. and Canada, Caroline continues to captivate audiences with her quick humor and relatable storytelling. Beyond the stage, she’s a familiar face on television, appearing as a regular guest on shows like Lopez vs. Lopez, Funny You Should Ask, and LIVE with Kelly & Ryan. She’s also made waves in the podcast world, with featured appearances on Burtcast with Bert Kreischer and The Harland Highway with Harland Williams. Whether performing for live audiences or connecting with fans on screen, Caroline Rhea remains a comedic force beloved by audiences everywhere.